Environmental and quality certifications

The products from our factories carry a variety of environmental and quality certifications, substantiating the sustainability and excellence of our offerings. (pt)
The Nordic Swan eco-label
This label identifies our candles as the best on the market from an environmental perspective. For instance, it affirms that our stearin candles consist of 90% renewable materials, burn cleanly, and minimize soot emissions. The Swan also ensures adherence to specific criteria for quality and safety.
The RAL quality mark
Endorsed by the European Quality Association for Candles, this mark guarantees that our candles burn cleanly, are free from hazardous materials, retain their shape, and are safe and reliable.
The FSC certification
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certification ensures our packaging material and cartons are made of wood from forests managed in an environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable manner.
ISO Certifications
ISO 9001 ensures that our processes consistently meet customer requirements and adhere to strict quality standards. ISO 14001 demonstrates our dedication to minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting sustainability in our operations. ISO 45001 underscores our commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and stakeholders. Promol proudly holds all three ISO certifications—ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. Liljeholmens Stearinfabrik currently holds ISO 9001 certification and is expected to achieve ISO 14001 certification by 2026. With these certifications, both Liljeholmens and Promol ensure the highest standards of quality, environmental stewardship, and workplace safety. (pt)